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Intenzivní kurz anglického jazyka s rodilým mluvčím

Intenzivní kurz anglického jazyka s rodilým mluvčím

I v letošním školním roce měli žáci naší školy možnost účastnit se intinzivního kurzu anglického jazyka s rodilým mluvčím, který organizujeme ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou English Focus.

Přečtěte si, co o kurzu píší naši deváťáci:

On days December 12 – December 17 Charles Murrey visited our school. He is a native speaker from the USA. We had private English lessons with him. We were divided into two groups, younger (pupils from 6th and 7th grade), and older (students from 8th and 9th grade).

The first day we were getting to know each other’s. At the beginning of the first lesson he introduced himself and then we talked about us. We learned new things through games, we did projects about countries too. Every day we had three lessons. Each of us had private conversation with him and we talked about interesting topics, we asked him questions.

He taught us three things. 1. Dream big 2. Loud and proud 3. If you don´t ask you don´t get. These three advices are very motivating, we will always remember them.

It was great! We really enjoyed it! Thank you for this experience!

We recommend it to everyoneJ

Ema, Vendy, Nela, Vojta, Kája